SOLD- Dakota is dominant, confident & intelligent. Calm disposition & balanced temperament. She is fearless and will have a significant presence.
SOLD – Green collar. 1st pick female & largest girl in the litter. Perfect confirmation. Dakota is dominant, confident & intelligent. Calm disposition & balanced temperament. She is fearless and will have a significant presence. She is well-suited for an experience handler that will put her to work. Will excel and dog sports and protection sports. A true dual purpose puppy. Will reach 75 to 90 pounds as an adult. Dakota enters puppy Boot Camp on January 25th and price will increase as her skills develop.
Dakota's price includes a $500 deposit and a $1,750 final payment.
Deposit: $500
Puppy payment: $1,750
Total: $2,250
Includes vaccinations, deworming, a vet check, access to Good Dog’s Puppy Training Program (a $235 value), 10% lifetime discount on insurance, and more.
Memphis is Perle De Tourbiere bloodline. Brother of St John’s Mercy at Midnight. Great grandson of Nero Perle De Tourbiere. Memphis completed level II protection training and is the best swimmer of any male Belgian Malinois I’ve ever seen. Excellent obedience skills his favorite game is fetch and tug.
Registered Name: Memphis Von Moore
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Gender: Male
Age: Over 2 Years Old
Color: Black (Non-Standard)
Size: 73 Pounds
Sire: Black Odin Perlede Vom DN58869001
Dam: Maddie Van De Zilverwn Loop DN52763303
Beautiful blue/fawn Belgian Malinois. Certified obedience with level 2 protection training certification in intro to service dog training. Beretta is also a great biking partner. She’ll run next to you for miles.
Registered Name: Braveheart Blue Steel
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Gender: Female
Age: Over 2 Years Old
Color: Gray (Non-Standard)
Size: 64 Pounds
Sire: Yates Of Braveheart Oradinum AKC DNA V934583
Dam: Bristow’s Xena AKC #DN57433612
Top pick male of the litter
SOLD – Very sweet & beautiful puppy loaded with personality. Size 65-70 pounds as an adult. Balanced disposition & medium to high prey drive.
SOLD – Fujin (also known as the God of wind in Japan) is really a character! Full of love and energy, he has great potential
SOLD – Very athletic and extremely intelligent. Will likely be between 70 and 85 pounds as an adult.
SOLD – High energy high prey & ball drive, balanced temperament & sweet disposition. Extremely coordinated, loves biting & driving into a bite source.
SOLD – Conner is a very well balanced, sweet male. Conor is one of 8 puppies from parent dogs Su & Kodi of Upper Cumberland.
SOLD – A handsome, well balanced pup. He has a medium-high drive. He loves his toys, play and adores human cuddles.