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Fabulous Belgian Malinois Puppies for Sale

While most people think of the Belgian Malinois as a working dog, they make great family pets as well. If you’re looking for a loving and loyal companion, then you should consider one of these pups. However, before you bring one home learn why Upper Cumberland K9 is the best place to get your new family member. Below you will learn some things to keep in mind when considering a Belgian Malinois puppy for sale, and why we are different from other places.

Belgian Malinois: The Ultimate Loyal and Protective Companion

Looking for a companion with a good temperament, loyalty, and protective instincts? Look no further than the Belgian Malinois. This loyal breed has uniquely strong protective instincts and athletic agility that make them invaluable companions for active households. Not only do we train them at Upper Cumberland K9, but you could take them home with you after they go through the training period. Give us a ring at (123) 456-7890.

Not only are Belgian Malinois an excellent choice for guard dogs, but they also make great family pets thanks to their pleasant disposition. We are an ethical place to get your future Belgian Malinois puppies for sale. They are a fabulous & friendly breed so, the Belgian Malinois is an intelligent, eager-to-please breed that is sure to make you feel safe in any home or public setting.

Other Places Sale Belgian Malinois Puppies

If you’re looking for a place to buy Belgian Malinois puppies, there are a few options available. Other places are not us, so they will not operate in the same professional way that we do! Plus, we include the AKC regulation document when you take home your Belgian Malinois puppy.

Exposure in Training

Upper Cumberland K9 launched our puppy training program to help clients and their furry friends, understanding that many don’t have the time or know how to do so on their own. Your pup will be taught all the essential leash commands and also acquainted with outdoor activities such as walks, horses, cats, other animals, and even small children! Of course, you will have to fill out the form online on our site.

Health tests are performed on each Belgian Malinois to make sure they are in good health. We are a Belgian Malinois breeder, and train them for you so they can join your loving family. Breeders must follow conscientious breeding practices to ensure the health of their puppies. Before bringing a puppy home, make sure to inquire about the parent’s genetic and medical history to avert any preventable illnesses being passed on. You will not be buying a rowdy puppy from us.

At our facility, we provide an atmosphere of safety and comfort for our Belgian Malinois puppies to thrive in. Every puppy is trained with proper socialization techniques so that they become healthy and well-bred dogs when fully grown.

Care with a Capital C

We certify that our puppies are healthy and get proper nutrition. If you’re looking for the ideal Belgian Malinois puppy, our team is here to make it happen! Every part of the process will be seamless and stress-free, we guarantee that each pup finds its perfect match. Give us a call now and get all the info on our puppies up for adoption! We are here to answer any questions you may have and walk you through the process.

When Belgian Malinois Get Sick

This dog breed can get various illnesses throughout its lifetime. This may include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and thyroid disease. At Upper Cumberland K9, we guarantee one year of health and happiness with every puppy. If you’re looking to invest in an additional layer of protection for your new pup, a two-year warranty is also available!

The Belgian Malinois’ Physical Needs

Going on walks and letting them sniff, smell, and meet new items is great stimulation exercise. They thrive on agility courses and love to climb anything they can. These dogs are very high energy but they love affection and would do well in a home where they are adored and played with often. You won’t regret buying a Belgian Malinois from us once you get your puppy you will wish you reached out sooner!


Belgian Malinois are exceptionally athletic and thus require consistent physical activity. These canines possess an incredible ability to climb, jump, and run farther than the majority of other breeds all of which demands 60-90 minutes per day in terms of energy expenditure! Not only that, but mental stimulation is equally necessary for their daily routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Belgian Malinois dogs are often used as police or service dogs. They have sharp senses, agility, and obedience which make them ideal for these roles. Belgian Malinois can be unpredictable if not properly trained. However, with the proper training at Upper Cumberland K9 and socialization, they generally make excellent family pets.

Yes, Upper Cumberland K9 offers a variety of breeds. The Belgian Malinois is the most popular breed due to its highly obedient nature and intelligence.

Proper socialization is key when raising a Belgian Malinois. Make sure to introduce your puppy to as many people and situations as possible. This should be done safely, to expose him or her to new sights, sounds, and smells positive. Additionally, enrolling your Belgian Malinois in our obedience training class will help.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a genetic condition that results in the gradual degeneration of the retina, leading to blindness. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition but it is important to take steps to keep your Belgian Malinois comfortable and safe.

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